Sponsor Information

Membership Categories and Annual Dues

Membership of the TBAF shall be unlimited in number and shall be open to those who satisfy the qualifications for membership in any of the categories set out below. All Regular Members can review their status annually and can upgrade or move down among the tiers in accordance to the sales filed with the government tax office. Membership shall not become effective until approval of the application by Board of Directors and, where appropriate, payment of initiation fees and annual dues.

Regular Membership

Membership categories are graded in four tiers with varying subscription fees. Membership is exclusively for beverage alcohol producer/ distributor/store/bar.

Associate Membership

Any private sectors accepting the purposes of the TBAF.

Individual Membership

Honorary Membership

Rights, Obligations and Regulations

Regular, Associate and Individual Members shall pay an initiation fee when joining the organization. Members who have lost membership status, including loss by virtue of non-payment of membership dues or other amounts owed to the TBAF for over 60 days, shall be deemed to have resigned their membership. No refund of membership dues shall be made in whole or part to any member so resigning.

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「不酒駕 我行」宣誓募集活動
「不酒駕 我行」宣誓募集活動