100 Taxis at the Freedom Square to Defend Road Justice


In light of the upcoming year-end drink-driving peak season, the MOTC and TBAF invite taxi drivers to serve as promotion ambassadors to advocate “no drink-driving and use designated drivers”

Latest statistics indicates that between January and October 2016, there have been 87,910 cases of drink-driving, among which 53,029 cases have been brought to justice—a decrease of 2,644 cases (about 4.78%) compared with the same period in 2015. However, in light of the frequent occurrences of drink-driving accidents in recent months, the Road Traffic Safety Committee (RTSC) of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC) and the Taiwan Beverage and Alcohol Forum (TBAF) have join hands to promote road safety. They invite more than 100 taxis to gather at the Freedom Square and have 100 drivers serve as promotion ambassadors to defend road justice. Taxis will align themselves to form 4 big Chinese characters signifying “designated drivers”. The process will be recorded and made into promotional film to be broadcasted on YouTube and taxi-media. This film will convey messages to the general public about “no drink-driving and use designated drivers”.

At the press conference, RTSC’s executive secretary Mr. Jien-tain SHIEH (謝界田), TBAF Chairman Mr. Allen Wang (王孝倫), TaiwanTaxi Company General Manager Ms. Joanna LEE (李瓊淑) and more than 100 taxi drivers are present to speak up against drink-driving.

RTSC’s executive secretary Mr. SHIEH points out that: “Between January to October this year, there have been 87,910 cases of drink-driving, among which 53,029 cases have been brought to justice—2,664 cases less than the same period of last year, a nearly 5% decrease. This indicates that the ‘no drink-driving’ campaigns of recent years have been effective. However, whenever there’s a drink-driving accident, it always causes social outcry. In order to ensure road safety, throughout the years, the MOTC continues to advocate the use of designated drivers. Through the collaboration of various institutions and organizations, we hope to decrease drink-driving accidents.”

More than 100 taxis gather at the Freedom Square, with taxi drivers serving as promotion ambassadors and taxis forming Chinese characters of “designated drivers” to advocate “no drink-driving and use designated drivers”. TBAF Chairperson Mr. Allen WANG says that: “We are working with the RTSC to promote the use of designated drivers. We hope that through the work of our promotion ambassadors, our messages can reach as many people as possible. In order to enhance our communication with the youth, TBAF will record today’s activity and make it into a time-lapse film to be broadcasted on social media. We also hope that next year we will continue to work with the MOTC to do more traffic safety promotional work on campus. We hope our message of ‘no drink driving/riding and use designated drivers’ will spread among the youth.”

In light of the upcoming year-end drink-driving peak season, representatives from the TaiwanTaxi Company and other 4 taxi companies also announce their “designated driver services”. TaiwanTaxi Company General Manager Ms. Joanna LEE points out that: “To promote the concept of no drink-driving and use designated drivers, from 1 December to 28 February 2017, our company offers a 24-hour ‘designated driver service’ with a special price. Initial fare within 10km during the daytime is NT$650, and NT$1,000 for nighttime. Our service covers the Taipei City, New Taipei City, Keelung & Taoyuan. We hope to work together with the government to ensure a safer road environment.”

At the campaign site, promotion ambassadors put their thumbs up to gesture “great/like”—advocating “no drunk-driving”. The aim is to eliminate drink-driving accidents and to promote the concept of “no drink-driving and use designated drivers”.


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The Taiwan Beverage Alcohol Forum (TBAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advocacy of responsible drinking and the prevention of inappropriate drinking behaviors. It was established in October 2000 by several European and American alcohol companies and media groups, with a primary focus on promoting a responsible and healthy drinking culture as its long-term goal. For more information, please check the TBAF website (www.tbaf.org.tw).
“When drinking, no driving, and use designated drivers”— the designated driver could be male or female. The only criterion is that the designated driver should not drink. To put it simply, at a social gathering, before everyone starts drinking, a designated driver must be selected. Entrusted with the responsibility of driving people home, the designated driver should not drink that evening.

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Contact persons for media inquiries:

Maximuse Ltd.

李舒媛 Shirley Lee
魏逸偉 Vic Wei



TBAF 酒與社會責任促進會

傅鴻懿 Jessica Fu(CEO)



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