飲用酒精你的身體沒這麼快醒,不酒駕,小心隔夜醉! (完整版)

Dr. Tung-en KUO (郭東恩)emphasized that “it only takes 5 to 10 minutes for the alcohol to enter your body, and no matter which types of alcoholic drinks you take, your body has to absorb it anyway. No matter how much alcohol you have consumed, it is recommended that you take at least 12 hours of rest if you drink beverage with alcohol percentage below 30%. If the alcohol percentage exceeds 30%, you should rest for more than 24 hours so your body can fully metabolize the alcohol.” Psychiatrist Dr. Yung-chang TUAN (段永章) proposes the idea of “psychological alarm”, which means that “One imagines setting up an alarm in one’s mind. Whenever one encounters a situation that may involves drinking, you become alert, and think about the potential consequences. When one drinks, the alarm should be kicked off to prompt one to be very strict and committed to no drink-driving. If one can make the psychological alarm work, then one can ensure ‘no drink driving’.”

The promotional film “No Drink-driving and Beware of Hangover” will be broadcasted in road safety education classes in all motor vehicle offices nation-wide, as well as in the vehicles of Taiwan Taxi, on Youtube and Facebook. It is hoped that the film will spread all over major social media and create positive influence. TBAF website: www.tbaf.org.tw

教你判斷朋友醉了沒?實用教學包有效|Stupid Bar
「不酒駕 我行」宣誓募集活動
「不酒駕 我行」宣誓募集活動