商業行銷自律規範 /臺灣酒類飲料業者的共同約定


本文以歐洲理性飲酒論壇(European Forum of Responsible Drinking)的商業行銷準則為基礎,並為 促進臺灣酒類飲料產業邁向更高標準而編撰,在國家相關的法律或規範下,積極落實更具企業社會責任 的商業行為。

Based on the Common Standards for Commercial Communication by the European Forum of Responsible Drinking, this article is intended to urge alcoholic beverage manufacturers in Taiwan to set higher standards and take action to be more socially responsible in their commercial activities as governed by country specific laws and regulations.


負責任的酒類促銷行為,對酒類業者與社會整體利益是息息相關的。在本地行銷及生產的酒精飲料產品 包括啤酒、威士忌、葡萄酒、烈酒,和所有其他含酒精的飲料,都應持負責任的態度與符合國家法律規 定。在購買年齡的要求上,應只銷售給18歲以上人士。此行銷準則適用於酒類業者所有的商業行銷方 式,尤其在未成年人更常使用的社群媒體與論壇(如 LINE、FACEBOOK、Instagram、TikTok 等平台 或應用程式),以及與影響力日益提升的網路意見領袖(下稱網紅)合作時,確保業者不會以不負責任 的促銷手法與行銷方式,來鼓勵消費者任何不負責任的飲酒行為與態度。

The responsible promotion of alcoholic beverages is in the interests of the industry and society as a whole. All alcoholic drinks, including beer, whisky, wine, distilled spirits, and all other forms of beverage alcohol selling in Taiwan should only be promoted in a socially responsible manner to adults who are over the age of 18 years; as per the national legal purchase age. This code applies to all kinds of commercial communications by alcohol companies and the purpose of the code is to ensure alcoholic beverage sales and marketing communications do not encourage any form of irresponsible drinking behavior. Especially in social media and online community forums (such as Line, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms or applications) that are more commonly used by minors, and contracted celebrities or influencers.

三、範疇 SCOPE

有關商業溝通及廣告行銷準則,規範對象應包含品牌業者、合作通路商、網紅、委託之公關行銷業者或 承包商等。

Commercial communications and advertising guidelines should apply to brands and their affiliated distributors, hired PR, contracted celebrities or influencers, and marketing firms or contractors.

  • 商業行銷準則定義為:在所有品牌廣告或市場行銷溝通訊息傳遞給消費者,而不論所用的媒介(例如 列印、廣播媒體、酒瓶標籤、包裝、社群媒體、互聯網、科技通訊和贊助)以及包括商店的促銷、推 銷規劃與銷售據點所用的促銷製作物。

    Commercial Communications are defined herein as: "All brand advertising or marketing communications to consumers, regardless of the medium used (e.g. print, broadcast media, outdoor, labeling, and packaging, social media, internet, new technologies and sponsorship) and including trade promotions, merchandising and point of sale materials."

  • 商業行銷溝通不包括:非產品廣告素材或媒體聲明稿,政府機構或公眾關注的社會議題,例如:瞭解 飲酒相關的風險或利益、關注理性飲酒教育資訊揭露及酒精飲料在社會中扮演的角色。

    Commercial Communications do not include: Non-advertising materials or statements to the media, government agencies or the public about issues of societal concern such as the risks or benefits related to the consumption of beverages and educational messages about responsible drinking or the role of alcohol in society.

  1. 法律公約與政策 Laws, Codes and Policies
    1. 是合法律的、正派的、誠實和真實的,並符合公認公平競爭的原則及良好的商業慣例;

      Be legal, decent, honest and truthful and conform to accepted principles of fair competition and good business practice;

    2. 表現出強烈的社會責任感及基於公平原則及誠實信用的原則;

      Demonstrate a strong sense of social responsibility and be based on principles of fairness and good faith;

    3. 在任何情況下都不會不道德或其他方面抨擊人性的尊嚴和正直性。

      Not in any circumstances be unethical or otherwise impugn human dignity and integrity.

  2. 未成年議題 Underage
    1. 商業行銷溝通不應該針對未成年人為受眾、鼓勵未成年人飲酒行為,或是呈現未成年人消費含酒精 飲料的圖像;

      Commercial Communications should not be aimed at minors or show minors consuming alcoholic beverages;

    2. 商業行銷溝通只應在受眾主要為18歲或以上的媒體與活動中促銷含酒精飲料,不應在合理預期受眾 明顯是未成年的媒體、遊戲、或是活動中促銷含酒精飲料;

      Commercial Communications should only promote alcoholic beverages in the media and at events where the majority of the audience is reasonably expected to be aged 18 years or older. They should not promote alcoholic beverages in the media, through games, or at events, where the majority of the audience is known or reasonably expected to be under the legal drinking age;

    3. 品牌業者如果採用網路形式讓受眾進入,應加入年齡確認頁面。且在第三方網站上運營的任何社群、 通路、社交平台應盡可能確保所有成員都超過法定飲酒年齡;

      Brand owners should include an age verification page if a digitally accessible format is adopted for use to allow users to enter. Any community, distribution channels, and/or social networks operating under a third party site should ensure that all members are over the legal drinking age whenever possible;

    4. 商業行銷溝通媒體只應錄用年齡至少18歲以上的模特兒或演員;同時避免錄用視覺年齡可能引發疑 慮之模特兒或演員;

      Commercial Communications will only use models and actors who are at least of legal drinking age, i.e. 18 years or above. Also, Commercial Communications will only use models and actors who appear to be above legal drinking age;

    5. 商業行銷溝通媒體不應使用主要受兒童或青少年所歡迎的物件、圖像、樣式、符號及卡通人物;

      Commercial Communications should not use objects, figures, symbols, colors and cartoon figures of primary appeal to children or adolescents;

    6. 商業行銷溝通媒體不應針對未成年人熟悉使用的品牌標識作為行銷主要的訴求對象;

      Commercial advertising communications should not target brand identification that are familiar to minors as their primary appeal to minors;

    7. 商業行銷溝通媒體的廣告露出,不可針對未成年人所在的小學、中學與高中做酒類產品的廣告;

      Commercial Communications should not target elementary, junior and senior high-schools;

    8. 商業行銷溝通媒體不應暗示「以飲酒慶祝成年」、「轉大人」的意象,避免誤導成年即應該飲酒的 觀念。

      Commercial Communications should not suggest drinking as a coming of age tradition so as not to give the misleading impression that all adults drink.

  3. 酒精含量 Alcohol Content
    1. 商業行銷溝通不應該引起任何對酒精性飲料的本質與酒精濃度混淆視聽;

      Commercial Communications should not create any confusion as to the nature and strength of alcoholic beverages;

    2. 廣告中角色所飲用的酒精飲料,份量不宜高於政府機關所建議之安全飲酒量建議,男性每日2單位、 女性每日1單位;或每次喝酒場合的飲酒量,男性不超過4單位、女性則為不超過3單位,(1單位: 10克純酒精);

      The amount of alcohol consumed by the characters in commercials must not exceed the recommended safe drinking limits determined by the MOHW, which is two units daily for men and one units per day for women; the amount of alcohol consumed by said characters for each drinking session must not exceed four units for men and three units for women, (one unit: ten grams of pure alcoholic content);

    3. 商業行銷溝通可對消費者提出酒精濃度的資訊,但不應強調高酒精濃度為主題,作為主導品牌與消 費者之間的任何行銷溝通廣告。另一方面,溝通訊息不應暗示及意味飲用或消費低酒精濃度飲料將 可避免濫用。

      Commercial Communications may present information for consumers on alcoholic strength but should not emphasize high alcoholic strength as a dominant theme. On the other hand, messages may not imply that consuming beverages of low alcohol content will avoid abuse.

  4. 負責任的飲酒 Responsible Drinking
    1. 負責任飲酒的警示訊息應在所有印刷物、電視、電影院、戶外廣告及公司與品牌的網站上標示。負 責任飲酒的警示訊息必須明確清晰並明顯標示在所有的廣告製作物,也包括網站與社群媒體;

      A responsible drinking message should be included in all print, TV, Cinema, outdoor advertising and on company and brand websites. The responsible drinking message must be clearly legible and noticeable on all advertisements, websites and social media;

    2. 商業行銷溝通及網紅合作不應鼓勵過量或不負責任的飲用酒精性飲料消費行為,也不會以任何負面 的方式呈現禁止或適量飲酒行為;

      Commercial Communications and contracted celebrities or influencers should not encourage excessive or irresponsible consumption, nor present abstinence or moderation in any negative way;

    3. 商業行銷溝通不應該呈現任何人看起來是酒醉的,或以任何方式暗示酒醉是可以被接受的行為;

      Commercial Communications should not show people who appear to be drunk or in any way imply that drunkenness is acceptable;

    4. 商業行銷溝通不宜過度誇大呈現飲酒場合喧鬧、興奮、性感的氛圍,以免有暗示過量飲酒之虞。

      Commercial Communications should not over exaggerate a drinking environment that is glamorous, exciting, and sexy so as not to imply excessive drinking.

  5. 酒駕與其他危險行為 Drink Driving and Other Dangerous Activities
    1. 商業行銷溝通媒體不應該呈現建議喝酒中及喝酒後開車或駕駛任何種類的機動車輛,包括快艇、水 上摩托車、雪上電動車與飛機(以及自行車、電動腳踏車、無人機)等是可以接受的行為;

      Commercial Communications should not appear to suggest that driving a car or operating any type of motor vehicle, including a speedboat, jet ski board, snowmobile, and airplane (also bicycle, electric bicycle, and drone), while or after drinking is acceptable behavior;

    2. 商業行銷溝通媒體不應該建議在喝酒中及喝酒後操作有潛在危險的機械,或同時進行任何有潛在危 險的休閒活動,或與工作有關的活動等是可以接受的行為。

      Commercial Communications should not suggest operating potentially dangerous machinery while or after drinking or engaging in any potentially dangerous recreational activity at the same time is acceptable behavior.

    3. 商業行銷溝通及網紅合作內容不應該基於刺激社群平台瀏覽之訴求,而呈現過量或不負責任的飲用 酒精性飲料消費行為,也不應該刻意弱化酒精之生理影響,以避免有暗示過量飲酒之虞而造成不當 模仿。

      Commercial Communications and contracted celebrities or influencers should not encourage excessive or irresponsible consumption, nor deliberately downplay the physiological effects of alcohol as an appeal to attract views, so as not to imply excessive drinking and avoid inappropriate imitation.

  6. 社交與性的隱喻 Social and Sexual Success
    1. 商業行銷溝通不應建議飲用含酒精飲料的行為是社交成功或被接受的必要條件;

      Commercial Communications should not suggest that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is a requirement for social acceptance or success;

    2. 商業行銷溝通不應建議飲用含酒精飲料可增強性功能,吸引力或導致發生性關係;

      Commercial Communications should not suggest that the consumption of alcoholic beverages enhances sexual capabilities, attractiveness or lead to sexual relations;

    3. 避免使用血腥、猥褻或無謂的裸露。任何使用裸體男性或女性的形象都必須具有良好的品味,並且 適合所傳達的品牌資訊;

      Avoid the use of graphic, lewd or gratuitous nudity. Any use of an image of a nude man or woman must be in good taste and appropriate for the brand message being conveyed;

    4. 廣告中角色不應表現強迫、勸誘、要脅、鼓勵他人飲酒之舉動,以確保尊重個人選擇不飲酒的權利。

      Characters in advertisement should not be shown to force, entice, coerce, or encourage others to drink so to ensure personal choice to not drink is respected.

  7. 反社會及不當行為 Anti-Social and Inappropriate Behavior
    1. 商業行銷溝通不應該指向與暴力、侵略性的、非法的、危險的或反社會行為是相關聯的;

      Commercial Communications should not suggest any association with violent, aggressive, illegal, dangerous or anti-social behavior;

    2. 商業行銷溝通不應該表明或暗示與毒品文化或違法藥物有關連或其是可被接受的。

      Commercial Communications should not suggest any association with, acceptance of, or allusion to drug culture or illicit drugs.

  8. 健康與身體機能 Health and Performance
    1. 商業行銷溝通媒體不應該呈現懷孕婦女飲酒,或以孕婦為銷售目標。針對孕婦合理明智的飲酒資訊 可以提供在瓶身標籤上;

      Commercial Communication should not show pregnant women drinking or target women who are pregnant. Sensible drinking information for women in pregnancy could be provided on labels;

    2. 在法令另有規定的情況下,商業行銷溝通或網紅合作應使用真實的和準確的事實陳述有關碳水化合 物、卡路里或其他營養內容物;

      Where permitted by law, Commercial Communications and contracted celebrities or influencers using truthful and accurate factual statements about carbohydrate, calories or other nutritional content may be appropriate in some circumstances;

    3. 商業行銷溝通不應聲稱酒精性飲料具有醫療效能及使用誇張或易生誤解的詞句,如有助預防、改善、 減輕、治療或治癒疾病或特定症狀等;

      Commercial Communications should not claim that alcoholic beverages may have therapeutic properties and that their consumption may help prevent, treat or cure any human disease or specific symptoms;

    4. 商業行銷溝通不應建立飲用酒精性飲料可能提高腦力、增加體能表現、或激勵提神效果的印象,例 如:在從事需要集中注意力才能安全執行的活動時飲酒。

      Commercial Communications should not create the impression that consumption of alcoholic beverages may enhance mental ability or physical performance or have an energizing effect, e.g. when engaging in activities requiring concentration in order to be safely executed.

  9. 樣品活動與試飲 Sampling Events and Tastings
    1. 自律規範也適用於贈送樣品與試飲品嚐,即不應送樣給未成年人、已醉酒的人,或是有可能參與潛 在風險行為、從事違悖及違反社會公德等行為之人;

      This code also applies to sampling events and tastings, i.e. not sampling to minors, intoxicated persons, or individuals possibly engaged in potentially risky behaviors or conduct against or in violation of public morality;

    2. 免費提供試飲或樣品,份量不宜高於政府機關所建議之安全飲酒量建議,男性每日2單位、女性每 日1單位;或每次喝酒場合的飲酒量,男性不超過4單位、女性則為不超過3單位,(1單位:10 克純酒精);

      The size of free tasting or samples provided must not exceed the recommended safe drinnking limits determined by the MOHW, which is two units daily for men and one units daily for women; the amount of alcohol consumed by said characters per each drinking session must not exceed four units for men and three units for women (one unit: ten grams of pure alcoholic content);

    3. 在公開場所免費送樣給公眾必須符合當地法規,包括領有牌照或私人場所、展覽會或其他商業場合;

      Complimentary sampling to members of the public in public places including licensed and private premises, trade fairs or other occasions must be in accordance with local regulations;

    4. 酒類業者必須確保促銷團隊都能確實遵守商業行銷規則;廣泛運用行前培訓確保行銷團隊依組織需 要執行提供試飲或樣品;

      Alcohol beverage companies must ensure that their promotion teams abide by this marketing code of conduct. A training tool could be used to run sessions with such teams before they go on tour or to adapt the tool according to the needs of the organization wanting to conduct a sampling event or tasting;

    5. 消費者因購買酒類飲料的消費行為所獲得的禮品或贈品,其價值必須符合於國家當地的法令或規範。

      The value of any free gift or prize offered to a consumer as a premium must comply with the relevant national laws and codes.

附則 Supplementary Provisions
  1. 酒類業者所為於媒體之廣告或行銷作為,除業者間自律外,並接受消費者等社會大眾之檢驗與評論。

    In addition to the self-discipline of the industry, the advertising or marketing of the alcoholic beverage industry in the media also accepts the inspection and comment of consumers and the general public.

  2. 消費者等社會大眾若對酒類業者之上述作為,認為有違悖自律規範或任何疑慮,除向該業者提出反應 外,酒類業者亦同時委託第三方單位接受消費者等社會大眾之投訴。

    If consumers and the general public believes there to be a violation of the code of conduct or any doubts about the above-mentioned acts of the alcoholic beverage industry, in addition to making a response to the company, the alcoholic beverage industry also entrusts third party agency to accepts complaints from consumers and the general public.

  3. 該會於接受投訴後應向刊登之媒體、酒類業者反饋該意見,建議或要求業者改善,並告知投訴者。且 該會有對投訴者個資採取必要保護作為之義務。

    After accepting the complaint, the association should give feedback to the published media and alcoholic beverage industry, suggest or request the company to improve, and inform the complainant. And the association has the obligation to take necessary protection measures for the personal data of the complainant.

  4. 該投訴方式為電郵 complaint.rep@gmail.com

    The method of the complaint is email complaint.rep@gmail.com

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「不酒駕 我行」宣誓募集活動
「不酒駕 我行」宣誓募集活動